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Understanding FTP Server along with functions, how to work and sample FTP Server applications

Last Updated 2020-10-14T10:06:52Z

Before discussing about FTP Server We must first understand what is meant by FTP or that has the length of File Transfer Protocol. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the definition of a network protocol usually used for exchanging data or files interchangeably using an intermediary TCP connection.

Data exchange activities can be done in two directions, so that all connected can do the upload and download likewise otherwise. The process of exchanging data on FTP also involves two services namely FTP Server and FTP Client.

In this occasion the authors will focus more on the discussion on FTP Server only, covering the understanding, function and how the FTP Server works itself. As the name implies FTP Server is the definition of a Server or a parent device that is running an FTP service (data exchange or file). The existence of this FTP Server has a very vital position and should exist as a condition of FTP service occurrence.

FTP Server functions
As a very vital part of an FTP network, the functions of the FTP server are very important namely in order to provide data exchange services or files according to the request of the FTP Client as a party requesting an FTP connection.

The process of exchanging data can be done efficiently so that you won't waste too much – waste your time waiting for the process. Other functions that you can find in addition to providing data exchange services that provide also services implicit remote on the computer.

Also note that an FTP Server can work well on both active and passive connections. The intention of the active connection is the use of an FTP service that can involve outside parties, while using passive connection then the outside party that will request service will be directly exposed to the block. This connection settings can be adjusted as the user's preference as a party FTP Server in order to filter whether only the FTP Client involved or outside parties can also access the service.

How FTP Server Works
Because its function is very vital then in building an FTP network will surely always involve FTP Server. All users of the computer or the term FTP Client is required to have sufficient information regarding the FTP Server, including the username and password, and not to forget the address to access the FTP Server.

Actually setting this username and password can also be omitted or commonly called Anonymous Login (Guest OK). This is done to gain free access but for security reasons, it can use settings with a password. The use of this password is often also called Authentication Login. The FTP Server address is generally such as a domain address.

In general the work of the FTP Server should wait for the FTP Client request or request a connection. Once the two are connected then a bidirectional data exchange can be done, the client can send the data to the server and vice versa the server can also send the data to the client. This term is known as active and passive mode and was once we mentioned above. Basically both in active mode and passive client will start the connection by making a TCP control from Port N to FTP Server more precisely on port 21.

As part of the FTP delivery process, you also have to understand that there are 3 types of data delivery methods that are compressed, stream and block. By understanding these 3 things then in the use of FTP Server is believed to be more efficient. More details below:

On the Compressed method before the shipment of data is compressed first using algorithm methods such as Tun – length Encoding
The Stream method when sending the entire process only uses TCP so that the data can be directly delivered continuously – continuously and sustainably without going through a method or other process.
Last Block method, in this process the data sent will be directly divided into 3 groups namely block count, Block header and block data field. Once this division is done it will be forwarded to TCP for delivery.

FTP Server Applications
To start using FTP then the step to do first is to configure the FTP Server. But sometimes to shorten the time many users who prefer applications with the principle of work like FTP Server such as FileZilla Serve, PROFTPD and others. Those who struggle in the computer network world will surely not feel unfamiliar with those terms. You can see the following explanation:

FileZilla Server
At first the developers of this application present FileZilla Client, but on the next occasion and on the same project appears FileZilla Server. This Software is an FTP server with additional features performing FTP services over SSL/TLS. The source code on FileZilla Server can usually be found on the website but can also be encountered in other sources.

This one Software is open source and compatible with UNIX/LINUX and Windows operating systems. The advantage of this software is that it is very easy to use and is quite popular among IT and network technicians.

Similarly to FileZilla, this one software was originally created as an FTP client but on the next development appeared the Core FTP Server. The use of FTP services in this software by secure methods (via SSL, TLS, and SFTP).

That is the understanding of FTP Server along with functions and how FTP Server works. Also discussed about some of the most widely used FTP Server applications. Hopefully useful and easy to understand!

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  • Understanding FTP Server along with functions, how to work and sample FTP Server applications
